The Tech Talks Daily Podcast
Richard Murray, CEO and Co-founder, appeared on The Tech Talks Daily Podcast discussing ORCA’s impact on the quantum computing industry.

Quantum Computing Watts the Future
Matt Watts Chief Technology Evangelist at NetApp interviewed our CEO and Co-founder Richard Murray on the impact of quantum on computing.

Q2B 2022 Silicon Valley
Our CEO and Co-founder Richard Murray spoke at Q2B Silicon Valley 2022 about photonic quantum systems for machine learning.

Inside Quantum Technology podcast
Our CEO Richard Murray was interviewed on the Inside Quantum Technology podcast discussing his journey to launching ORCA Computing.

What Bitcoin Did podcast
Our CEO & Co-founder Richard Murray recently appeared on the What Bitcoin Did podcast talking about ‘The quantum threat to bitcoin.’

Interested in learning more about ORCA and how quantum can be applied to your organisation? Please get in touch.